Monday, April 12, 2010

Weird or Normal?

Do you ever do something and then think to yourself, "I wonder if other people do this or if I'm the only one?"

Well, I never do that. I always assume I'm really normal. But Nathan tells me that I'm not. He thinks I'm really weird. So I'm going to start a series called "Weird or Normal?" I'll post a few things that I do and you have to comment and tell me if that's weird or normal. Nathan says I need to give you a working definition for the words "weird" and "normal".

Weird: You don't do it AND you don't know anyone else that does it.

Normal: You do it OR you know someone else who does it.

Nathan says those definitions aren't correct. But this is my blog and so those are the definitions we are going with.

Ok, here we go.....
Weird or normal?

1. When I cook, if no one else is around, I pretend I'm the host of a cooking show and I show my imaginary audience how to cook. I talk out loud. I give little side stories. I measure my ingredients ahead of time. I give little cooking tips. I'm kind of a mixture between Rachael Ray and Ina Garten.
Weird or normal?

2. I say "mirror" like this: "Mirruh".
Weird or normal?

3. When I do housework I set a timer and see if I can beat my best time. For example, I can empty and fill up my dishwasher in 2 minutes, 56 seconds. The next time I do it I'll set my timer for 2:55 and see if I can beat that. I do that for almost every single chore in the house.
Weird or normal?

4. I read cookbooks for enjoyment.
Weird or normal?

5. I type everything I hear people say. Everything. In the air or on my leg. And then, as I type, I make sure I type the same number of characters on the left and right hand. That might require me to add an extra space or use Caps Lock. But I figure out a way to do it. And I'm a huge fan of words that are naturally even. For example, "Christy" is perfectly even on both hands if you include the shift key.
Weird or normal?

I look forward to hearing your comments. BE HONEST. I know some of you do these things.
Don't make me name names!!!


  1. Cooking - probably more normal than anyone will admit. I enjoy cooking with Dylan and he likes to talk through it;
    Mirror - normal (not for me, of course);
    Housework timer - AWESOME. I think it sounds fun and I plan to try;
    Reading Cookbooks - normal and fun;
    Typing while talking - normal for you

  2. Thank you, Brooke, for starting a very honest dialogue! :) I will be sure to forward all these comments to Nathan!

  3. Cooking...uh... cooking is weird for me..period!
    Housework timer - weird but fun!
    Reading cookbooks - I like to read cookbooks and then file them to never be used..
    Typing - PERFECTLY NORMAL for ME!!!

  4. 1. I do this all the time! It makes cooking so much more fun. I thought everyone did this. I have been doing it since I can remember and I don't plan on stopping anytime soon:)-Normal
    2. Very Normal, or at least that is the way I taught the future of America to say it.
    3.I have never done this, but I plan on trying it very soon. -again...normal
    4.uhm....I dunno on this one....I don't read them, but I love to look at ones with pictures and let the drool run down my chin.
    5.We have already talked about this one before and i will say the same thing to you now that I said then.....WEIRDO!!!!!

    You are so fun, Christy!
    Love you!

  5. 1. Just a little "abnormal"!!
    2. Normal
    3. Not normal
    4. Normal
    5. Weird (never heard of anyone doing this before)


  6. (This is Beth)
    I absolutely LOVE all of these things about you , and that your brain actually fires enough to think of all of these fun things to do and ways to make life fun. I don't think they are all super normal - or there would be much happier people in the world :) But I wish they were more normal for me :D

  7. •Cooking show?!?! NOT NORMAL! but Kevin does most of our cooking and I sure would LOVE to walk in and catch him doing that!
    •mirror-normal but I say "mirrur"
    •timer-not normal but I may try it which would then make it normal
    •cookbook-not normal-magazines with recipes, yes; but entire cookbooks?!?
    •typing- ok I know you and your mom so according to the rules that makes it normal but it is SO not!!!
    •final comment: I guess since I know you and you do these things, according to your rules that would make them all normal! How very convenient for you!
    love ya

  8. Okay so here is my analysis....
    1. Totally normal!!! I am glad I am not the only one- I feel like my show is much like Giada but in actuality it is probably more Rachel- Ha!
    2. normal for your southern upbringing although I know for a fact that I pronounce the 'r' at the end :)
    3. normal and a really good idea! I have tried it and it works :)
    4. NORMAL!!! I love to read cookbooks! even if I don't end making a thing from them. Right now I have in my possession a Crockpot cookbook that I have read, studied and marked recipes to try!
    5.I am on the fence about this one- I am really wondering if you missed your calling as a court reporter!!! LOL
    So really you are completely normal and I love all these 'normal' things about you!!! Jennifer

  9. Ok . . . Hannah and Madeline do #1-- so the jury is still out. I do #2, #3 (though not to the extent of setting timers), and #4. As for #5, Christy you are just a weirdo!!! Haha.

    You are so funny!

  10. Christy,
    Wow, I've never thought to do any of these things ever! And I haven't known anyone else that does them. BUT, what a fun time you have doing things that would be boring or tedious to most of humanity. And I have been told that I am way too serious. Maybe I should try a few of these ideas! :) So even if it's weird, it's entertaining- and, hey, maybe you'll be the star of your own cooking show one day, and you'll already be brushed up! The typing thing... wow! That would really take a lot of concentration - epsecially making sure the same number of keys are hit with each hand. Surely there is another job for you somewhere where that skill would actually pay money. I love you just the way you are!!! - love April

  11. I totally do the typing thing and I'm so glad I'm not the only one!! I don't do it as specifically as you do what with the even numbers and such, but I definitely type when people talk to me. I think it's why I can type 79 WAM, no problem. I also think that technically qualifies us for a mild case of OCD.
