Monday, December 6, 2010

25 Days of Christmas

I know. I know. You want to see pictures of our trip to Disneyworld. I promise I will be back soon to post all about our magical trip. But, for now, I'm going to stick with our plans for the 25 days of Christmas. Just a little something each day for our family to enjoy.

Days 1-4: Disneyworld

Day 5: Living Christmas Story at Union Methodist Church

Day 6: Take a green bath. (the kids. not me.)

Day 7: Eat Christmas shaped sandwiches for supper.

Day 8: Make Christmas cards with kids

Day 9: Deacons Christmas Banquet; kiddos get time with Miss Stacey!

Day 10: Ezell family Christmas in Boiling Springs

Day 11: Christmas with Nathan's side of the family

Day 12: Sunday School Christmas party at the Savages

Day 13: Christmas books "Read-a-Thon" under the Christmas tree in our pajamas!

Day 14: Buy gifts for Adopt-a-Family

Day 15: Landon's children's musical at church; dress rehearsal for adult cantata

Day 16: Drive around and look at Christmas lights. Maybe grab a peppermint/chocolate chip milkshake at Chick-fil-A if I've lost the weight I gained in Disneyworld.

Day 17: Opening night of "That's the Good News" our adult cantata at church that Nathan and I are the main characters in. Yikes. I've never been a main character before. I will be sweaty and splotchy and in the bathroom probably all the live-long day.

Day 18: Night 2 of "That's the Good News"- hopefully less sweating and less going to the bathroom; hot chocolate drinking with kiddos that morning and going to a precious one-year-old's first birthday party that afternoon

Day 19: Final Night of "That's the Good News"; Christmas dessert afterwards with kiddos to celebrate Mommy no longer sweating and being all splotchy.

Day 20: Supper Club with the Soongs and Church's...Christmas style!

Day 21: Christmas Movie Night in the den in our pajamas with popcorn and a billion blankets.

Day 22: Baking Christmas cookies

Day 23: Saluda Shoals Park, Santa visit, roasting marshmallows; opening presents with the kids and Nathan

Day 24: Family day at the house, New Heights Christmas Eve Service with my parents, back home to read Christmas story with the kids

Day 25: Happy Birthday, Jesus! Christmas morning at our house with breakfast casserole and then head to Boiling Springs for a few days!

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