So, if you're a regular reader of my blog, you know that the only sound Connor Man makes is "eh" and he is 20 months old. The pediatrician is starting to sweat. Parents are starting to give me names of speech therapists. Friends are starting to ask questions. And I continue to remind everyone that my husband, Nathan, only said "eh" until he was 21 1/2 months old and then he started talking up a storm. And since Connor is an exact replica of his daddy, I'm sure the whole speaking thing will be no exception.
But still. Connor Man is a little manipulator. He knows he's ridiculously cute. He knows he makes cashiers, bank tellers, YMCA childcare workers, and babysitters swoon. He knows his hair is awesome. He knows his blue eyes are killer. He knows his dimples are ridiculous. He knows he's a studmuffin. And he uses all of his cuteness plus "eh" to get exactly what he wants.
Like this morning. I took him into Food Lion with me to buy some creamer. Connor looked at the cashier with his big, blue eyes and said "eh", smiled, and showed off his dimples. She immediately "oohed" and "ahhed" over him like he had just quoted the Constitution of the United States, then offered to give him a bunny, chocolate, and jelly beans. For free. I said, "No thanks" to the candy so we only left with creamer and a HUGE blue stuffed bunny rabbit. So, technically, I think we stole that bunny rabbit. Because I don't think cashiers are allowed to give stuff away from their shelves, are they? But she did anyway. All because he's cute and said "eh".
Then later today, we picked Reagan up from school. The teacher opened the car door, Connor showed off his smile and said "eh", and the teacher went on and on about handsome and precious he is and how much he must love his big sister and what a joy he must bring to our family. And I thought, "He said 'eh'. That's it. That's all he did."
He must know something I don't. So I've decided to get dimples drilled into my cheeks, get a perm, point to things all the time, and change my vocabulary to only include "eh" . Then maybe I'll get free stuff too.