I wonder if only people that like me read my blog or if some people that don't like me also read it.
Like the boy that asked me to go with him to homecoming when we were in fifth grade and I thought boys were gross so I wrote "NO" as big as I could on the note he passed to me and he never spoke to me again. Even in 12th grade when I started to think boys were kinda cool. He still never spoke to me.
Or the cashier at Taco Bell who messes up my order every.single.time. And the last time she messed up I lost my patience with her and maybe I talked bad about her really loud to the stranger next to me on purpose to hurt her feelings.
Or the 19-year-old girl in my graduate class who thinks college is dumb and dislikes learning very much and thought I was a huge nerd for asking that she at least try a tiny tad bit to do something for our presentation we were creating together.
Or the driver of the car behind me last night as I drove 15 miles per hour on Wessinger Road because deer are everywhere near our house and I'm terrified I'll hit one so I drove crazy slow and he honked and got all sweaty and mad at me and I smiled and waved at him and kept on going my sweet little 15 miles per hour.
If any of those people are reading my blog right now, please keep reading. Because I have a recipe for you that will make you like me. Or maybe you're somebody that secretly dislikes me and I'm in the dark about it. I hope this recipe sends you back to my side.
So without further adieu, I present to you Pumpkin Hallelujah.
1 15oz. can pumpkin
1 pkg. yellow cake mix
12 oz. evaporated milk
3 eggs
1 c. melted butter
1 1/2 c. sugar
1 1/2 tsp. cinnamon
1/2 tsp. salt
Mix all of that deliciousness together except for the cake mix and butter.
Spray a big 'ole glass casserole with cooking spray.
Pour the batter in there.
Sprinkle the ENTIRE dry cake mix (I'm for real.) on top of the batter.
Drizzle the melted butter on top of all of that.
Bake 50-55 minutes at 350.
And I PROMISE you (Jeremy, lady-at-Taco-Bell, Connie, man-behind-me-last-night, and the rest of you I don't know about) will like me.
11 Months!
3 years ago